Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year.....New YOU?????

So here we are again..the start of a new year and with that means New Years Resolution... Year after year so many make the same get healthy..if only they could be as committed to the actual process as they are to consistently setting the resolution. Oh Well it is what it is and for some it sticks.
I am not being insensitive and I know it is not easy, especially when being healthy has not been a lifestyle up until now. The important thing to ask yourself is "What do I want"? ask it every time you grab for something you know you shouldn't have, ask yourself that every time you try and talk yourself out of exercising.
Change your mind about exercise and health...educate yourself on the importance of being healthy and the consequences of being unhealthy. Enjoy how you feel during and after you have done something, enjoy how you feel when you eat something clean and healthy.
Hire someone to help you...think about the money you will be saving in the long run on various aids and medications, not to mention the savings from not eating out, and buying so much junk food...YOU are worth it!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Full Body Fitness Routine..5 Exercises Guaranteed to Give YOU Results

The full body routine is an excellent program guaranteed to give you results, make sure you do this routine on alternate days thereby giving the muscles a rest.With any exercise program always start with a 10 min. warm up get the muscles nice and warm before you work them or injuries may be the result. If you are a beginner you should start with 1 set of 15 repetitions, more advanced 2 -4 sets of 12-15 again this depends on your fitness goals, what level you are at etc. something to discuss with a Personal Trainer.

The Leg Press- Major Muscles Worked: Quads, Glutes; stabilizer muscles: hamstrings, calfs
The leg press machine is a great piece of equipment especially if you are a beginner, but it is great for all fitness levels. Important to make sure that you when you push forward you do not lock the knees and when you bring it back you stop at a 90 degree angle at the knee.

Chest Press- Major Muscles Worked: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
The chest press is a great exercise; however if you are a beginner you may want to start with the Chest Press machine and again start with 1 set of 15 reps. Chose a weight that challenges you on the 13th rep.if it is to easy you have the muscle to accommodate so you need to move up.

The seated Row- Major Muscles Worked: Back, Biceps, Shoulders
there are many variations and different machines, free weight exercise that target the same muscles; however this is great for maintaining form.

Leg Curl- Major Muscle Worked: Hamstrings
contrary to the diagram the glutes are not the muscle being worked. There are other hamstring exercises that engage the glutes, ie ball curls, dead lifts etc.
however a great starting exercise is the leg curl.

Sit ups- save these for the end as your core muscles are needed for you to maintain proper posture, form you do not need to have a tiered core when you are trying to do a lunge as it will not be done correctly and this is when injuries happen.
With the abdominal they are an endurance muscle so they can take a bit more so 3 sets of as many as you can will work..I always tell my clients to do 2 more just for fun.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fiber Good but NOT in EXCESS!!!

It is no secret that people are always trying to lose weight or maintain a certain weight..everyone and unfortunately some are so desperate and unhappy and want the quick, no exercise involved fix that they will try anything and one of those ways has been the use of laxatives or excess fiber of some sort. THIS IS DANGEROUS, and the reason is taking in excess fiber or laxatives causes the body to excrete the nutrients taken in (if any-which is even worse) before the body gets a change to utilize the precious vitamins and minerals needed for health and the next thing you know you are malnourished, can't function, can't sleep, your skin and hair are a mess, your bones are brittle, your depressed, lethargic and feel like you are worthless...Sound like a good diet plan???I didn't think so.
Fiber is necessary in maintaining  good health and body composition so keep in mind natural sources can be obtained through your diet and should be in the range of 20-40 gr/day..If you are having problems with being regular there are herbal laxatives and teas you can purchase at the health food store that will help get things moving again.
For healthy ways to lose excess check out my older posts and keep posted to this blog..lets do it together.

As per the popcorn...use a popcorn popper and NO butter..try adding nutritional yeast and bragg's natural soy sauce..or go to the health food store they have some wonderful popcorn seasonings
Chose rolled oats not instant oatmeal.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Have Been Away...YIKES

Oh my goodness I have certainly not been practicing what I preach lately; which is journaling..aka blogging, so what I have been doing is moving myself and my son away from our current city that has not proved to be to good for what my son was born to I decided I am going to take him where he can soar which is exactly what I did...more to come

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fight Aging Naturally Part 1.

We all want healthy, youthful, glowing skin..and it is achievable at any age..and you don't have to spend a fortune on expensive treatments and unhealthy can do it using what nature has provided us and what science has taught us.The major thing we need to do in order to have beautiful skin is eat clean, nutrient dense foods;but, due to the fact that we are also exposed to environmental conditions we need to take care of our skin from the outside as well...I am going to start adding recipes for skin care as well as some regimes we should all follow. I am going to start with one of my favorite things to do and that is a skin sauna..

boil a pot of water and pour into a bowl
add essential oils or fresh lemon depening on your skin type ie:
NORMAL : Mandarin and Lavender.
OILY : Lemon and Eucalyptus.
DRY : Rose and Camomile.
Place your face above the bowl- not so close you burn your face, but just so you feel the steam all over your face, take a towel and put it over your head so the steam does not escape.
2-3 min should suffice
Next pat dry your face and while the pours are open it would be a good idea to apply a mud mask to draw out any further impurities. You can either make one or purchase a good organic one from the store but by making your own product you know what is in it so a good mud mask

*tablspoon of green clay(purchase at health food store)
*sea kelp
*5 drops of tea tree oil
*2 tblsp of aloe vera gel
*tsp of oat flour
combine ingredients and spread evenly over face, avoiding eye and lip area. leave on for 10 min and rinse off.
pat dry and continue with a toner and be continued

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I absolutely love this recipe and for more reasons than just the great taste of it. The nutritional benefits of this salad make it an A-lister for may as well just call this the cancer fighting salad.
Broccoli has been referred to as the miracle food because it is loaded with nutrients; such as, more calcium than a glass of milk, antioxidants vitamin c & a, fiber, folic acid...etc. Combine this with red onion and all its bacteria fighting, asthma supporting, cancer fighting and common cold fighting nutrients...and of course almonds with all their phytochemicals, vitamin E and Vitamin B17 ..etc..ok so lets get to the recipe:
  • 5 cups fresh organic broccoli florets
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup raw organic almonds
  • 1/4 cup of red onion, chopped
  • 1 cup of frozen peas, thawed
  • 1/2 cup walnuts or pecans (optional)
Dressing- Honey Dijon

  • 1/4 cup Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup cider vinegar
  • 2/3 cup olive oil
  • salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hanson - Great Divide- Yes I do like Hanson, But I like the Video even more

Must Read...........................

Activate Your Power...aka My Bible. I have been packing this book around with me since I received it from the man himself 6 years ago. It is a wonderful book on how to achieve your best, most abundant life. Eitan references his own circumstances as well as quantum physics and psychological behavior to illustrate why we are where we are...and how to change our behaviors to reach our ultimate potential. I like that he did not just tell you this is why you are the way you are...he breaks it down into steps and provides exercises you can do to change it...My life changed after reading this a must read for sure.

I LOOOOOVE THIS BOOK...Wonderfully Inspiring book for women. The Author is obviously a very wise and brilliant women herself who through the years has broken through the imposed barriers placed upon women via this masculine dominated society and now brings us her knowledge and teaches women to be true to the WILD women that is our authentic self. She breaks down folk and fairy tale to expose the meaning as parables of the lives of women....Brilliant...

                Fantastic book...don't let the content of the book scare is an easy
                read and the author breaks it down using everyday comparisons..i.e...
                "how are a sumo wrestler and a teacher the same"..haha it is great, but
                eye opening and very thought provoking. I loved it, there may be some
                content or comparissons that you won't agree with, but it will make you
                think about what is going on in the world and Let me tell you if it is one
                thing this world needs it is a big eye opener...this book gives us
                just that.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tooth Ache Anyone????

The deeper I dig into the world of Natural Medicine, the more excited I become if only I could spend my every waking moment learning about every facet of the fascinating world of aromatherapy, herbal medicine, reflexology, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathy etc etc etc...I LOVE IT, I WILL DO IT...So back to the tooth ache...
Oil of Clove...a natural analgesic and antiseptic used primarily in dentistry for relief mainly from toothache; however the oil produced from cloves can be used in medicines for bronchitis, cold, fever, sore throat and infections.
Dentists often used oil of clove before anesthetic drugs were available because of its pain relieving properties.
Now remember as with any pain reliever small is not safe in large quantities and can be life threatening so put a small amount on a cotton swap and apply directly to the infected site and allow the oil to be absorbed.

Clove oil has antimicrobial and antifungal uses so it can be used for acne, scars, warts..again just put some of the oil on a cotton swab and apply directly to the infected area.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Singing the Praises of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been known forever as the medicinal plant; the classic timeless healer. I think sometimes people forget about this plant especially when new and exciting discoveries are being made all the time with superfoods and herbs..But make no mistake this is one plant with exceptional healing properties and should not be forgotten.

Benefits of Aloe Vera:
Wound Healing
Skin irritations
Relief of indigestion
Irritable bowel syndrom
Improved blood glucose levels in diabetics
Acute hepatitis
And the list goes on and on.....
I feel the best source is right from the source so purchasing a plant...I remember my mom used to go pinch off the piece of a leaf if one of us got a scratch or burn. I also purchase pure aloe vera juice..follow the directions on the bottle.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Disease Free State of Being

A disease free state of being is something we should all strive for...not just of the body, but of the mind and spirit...we are a sum of our parts so lets get those parts working in optimum condition. The saying "You are What YOU Eat" is true on such a deep level and I know I have said it before, but I have been accused of being a nag so I will just keep on saying it. This society is so sick and in most cases doesn't realize it.Obesity has become an epidemic among children...this is truly disturbing to convenience so important that we need to sacrifice our own children to mcdonalds aka devil food..and I don't care what they say about everything in moderation...YOU should NEVER, EVER eat MCDONALDS or feed it to anyone you love...lets move away from convenience and into excellence which is how you will perform and feel by changing your lifestyle.
For optimum health the body needs to be in a more alkaline state as opposed to acidic- being in an acidic state is where disease thrives, you can buy strips at the drug store to measure where you are at.So in order for you to move from an acidic state to a more alkaline one you need to consume fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds..a good break down of the nutrients needed in the daily diet as per my observation and what has worked for me would be:
75% carb
15% fat
10% protein
Acid-forming foods include:                                                               
- Sugar
- Meat
- Shellfish
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Processed and refined foods
- Dried fruits
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Sodas
- White and wheat breads
- Carbonated water
- Acidic water

Alkaline-forming foods include:
- Green leafy vegetables
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Good fats
- Seaweed
- Avocado
- Limes
- Lemons
- Grapefruit
- Papaya
- Pineapple
- Watermelon

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fabulous Effects Menu

Upon Waking: Warm Lemon water...kick start the metabolism, and detox the liver/kidneys
30 min later: fruit Smoothie.....blueberries, strawberries(anything but melon), 1  1/2 cup vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop vegan protein powder, greens mix...
handful of bee pollen(make sure you are not allergic)
2 hours later: handful of nuts and an apple
lunch: black bean/corn/brown rice wrap- unless you are raw then take out the rice and wrap and just have black bean corn salad with peppers etc..olive oil dressing, wrap: black bean, corn, rice, peppers, avocado, cilantro, sea salt- any spices except salt you like to add...roll up and enjoy with some home made veg soup or salad.
Afternoon snack: veggies/hummus
Supper:  home made veggie soup with large mixed herb salad
drink lots and lots of water through out the day...this is a fabulous meal plan for detox and weight loss..try it for a week...see how wonderful you feel.

 Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
Add a couple peices of raw chocolate in the morning...gets you going and makes you feel fine.



Durians are an amazing fruit they are delicious and have a few pods in the morning for a snack or breakfast because they are quite filling...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Circuit Training

Circuit training is GREAT...Perfect for those of you who are on a tight can get your cardio and strength training all done in a shorter period of time and burn alot of calories while you are doing it...There are many ways of doing a circuit and gyms will have them set up somewhere;however, I love setting up my own circuit alternating strength and cardio so here is what I do and it works fabulous:
I always start with a 10 min. warm up
For strength training aspect always start with your legs
So here is what a sample circuit would look like
Lunge: 10 reps
bike 1 min fast
Push up using physio ball 10 reps
bike 1 min high resistance
Row- back
Bike fast
Leg curls with physio ball
Bike high resistance
Abs-bicycles 15

Repeat this circuit 3 times, stretch at the end....and if you have time 20 min of cardio or up your time on the bike to 2 min....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Do You Want....And How Bad Do You Want IT?

Since I am a personal trainer by trade I say this alot!!! People come to me wanting to fit into a pair of jeans, get rid of the muffin top, the saddle packs or just get into better shape so they can do more. They come to me with great intentions because they know it is what is best for them; but by the end of the first month their motivation has done a complete nose dive and they sink back into what is easy and comfortable...What do I say to them when they say "well I just haven't had the time to commit", or "I am just having trouble getting motivated"...Well my response is "What do You Want and how bad do You want it?" If you want something bad enough you WILL get it so lets go stop the excuses and get what you it isn't easy...but change the way you think about the process and enjoy it...don't look at it like work...look at it for what it is...ESSENTIAL to YOUR WELL BEING!
So what do you need to do to get into your best shape..first of all it is not just one thing, it is holistic...You need to include strength training, Cardiovascular training(anything that gets your heart rate up for a continuous period of time), stretching, and meditating, eating good clean nutrient dense food, positive self talk all the time, improve your mind power and...YOU WILL BE YOUR BEST EVER I GUARANTEE IT, but you have to want it and you have to work at it
Strength training, I recommend to start 3-5 days per week training muscle groups on alternating days
Cardio- 5-6 days per week
Stretching 7 days a week to keep your muscles long, lean and flexible so you don't end up all hunched up and tight; which, will end up in an injury of some kind.
Meditating: every day morning and night- if you don't know how see one of my older posts on manifesting
Eating: Try to buy organic fruits and fruit in the am(due to sugar content) and veg in the afternoon, try to avoid heavy meals full of starchy carbs combined with a heavy protein source.I am vegan and I have never felt better but that is a progression.
If motivation, or you don't know what exactly to do..hire someone..I am sure you blow money on plenty of unnecessary  things each month...this is an investment in YOU and it is worth it trust me I know.
OK what are YOU waiting for Get Started NOW!!!YAY YOU

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Face Your Fears

I suppose I am not only writing this for someone Else's benefit but for my own as well right blog is to journal is to heal....We must face our fears, face them head on don't let them over power us because on the other side of that great wall of fear is our best life ever. We must recognize that feeling in our gut as fear rearing its ugly head in an attempt to keep us in our comfort zone or in that place we have been taught through conditioning that we belong.When this happens and we recognize it we must be strong enough to face it rationally and break through it...this is what I have to do now. I have been doing alot of this lately..and the key is I have been doing it!the reason is because I am so aware of the fact that I am creating my life everyday with every thought so I do not want to create a life where the major influence is fear..I have so much more then just my life riding on where my thoughts lead me...and my ability to face this one particular fear and I will and I will conquer it! I believe in who I am and what I want and I shall manifest the most beautiful life for not only me but my son as well. I will show him what it means to move forward with out fear so he will do the same...move forward in love and fearlessness to create the life one dreams about

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mixed Green Salad with Sesame Ginger Dressing

I am not a stickler for measuring ingredients in a salad so I will just tell you what I put in and you put in as much as you want...This is a Great Meal Idea as it is loaded with vitamins and nutrients...

Container of Organic Mixed Greens
1 Avocado
Unsalted Raw Sunflower Seeds 1/2 cup
Tomato chopped- tomato and avocado are a perfect mix
Red/Yellow Peppers
Raw peaches and cream corn- cut of the cob

3 cloves minced garlic
2 tbsp minced fresh ginger
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup braggs soy sauce
1/4 cup sesame seeds
3 tbsp unpasteurized organic honey-local honey is great
1/4 cup water
In a 1 pint glass jar or larger, combine the garlic, ginger, olive oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, honey, and water. Cover the jar with a tight fitting lid, and shake well. Remove lid, put honey in a bowl-place the bowl in hot water to dissolve the honey- Let cool, and shake well before serving. Pour over salad and massage into salad with your hands and let marinade for an hour before eating...Enjoy

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Do You Want to Lose Belly Fat?

I am just astounded at the excess belly fat and muffin tops I see on young girls and women..and honestly I can't remember it being this bad when I was young. I know there are alot of factors contributing to this eating habits, lack of activity etc; so lets just tackle one of the major contributors to this muffin top invasion and it is really quite simple....STOP ingesting dairy! it is loaded with hormones, antibiotics which are used to treat and prevent disease in the cow, fat, sugar, excess protein..Milk has actually been shown as one of the causes in calcium deficiency because of the protein content which causes the body to release calcium(I am not going to explain the whole process in scientific terms) to regulate the acid/alkaline levels of the body. So contrary to what we have been taught since we were knee high to a grasshopper...dairy does not do a body good!

See You Soon New York

Part of my vision board...Manifesting a trip to New York for myself and my son-who has been designing clothes since he was 5 so his vision is to go to New York and follow his destiny.

Detox, Detox, Detox

Prevention through good digestion...that is the key to everything...a good digestive system. Unfortunately for most their system isn't working properly- and in most cases you are not even aware it isn't..SOO..Why do a Detox? We live in a toxic environment, we ingest toxins daily especially if sugars, white flours, artificial sweeteners diet foods, hydrogenated fats and oils are incorporated into your daily diet... As a matter of fact there are over 14,000 chemicals inserted into processed foods, so we are unable to achieve our optimum health levels mentally and physically, and the body is unable to detox naturally. So, by performing a detox every 3 months you will experience ultimate improvements in health and well being...

Do you experience fatigue or low energy levels?

* Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and /or poor memory?

* Do you crave or eat sugar?

* Do you have less than two bowel movements per day?

* Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated or gassy?

* Do you experience indigestion/acid reflux after eating?

* Are you overweight?

* Do you exercise at least every other day?

* Do you experience recurring yeast infections, jock itch, or foot fungus?

* Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?

* Do you take prescription medications, sedatives or stimulants?

* Do you experience frequent headaches?

* Do you live with or near polluted air, water or other environmental pollution?

* Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor?

* Do you experience depression or mood swings?

* Do you have food allergies or skin problems?

* Are you showing signs of premature aging?

* Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods or fried foods more than three times a week?

* Do you drink processed coffees and colas during the day?

* Do you smoke cigarettes every day?
If you answered yes to three or more of the above questions, it may be
time for that detoxification program you've been putting off .

Need help with your transformation? email me I can help

Friday, September 3, 2010

Theme of the day......Get Excited About Your Life

Just a short note to tell YOU to get excited about Your life today...Inspire others to do the same, and that doesn't mean you need to do a motivational speech for thousands at the can inspire others with your presence and your positive go forward today with  a feeling of joy in your heart and infect others....Motivate, Inspire, Love..this is the theme for today...Have a Fabulous Day, because YOU are Fabulous!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Visions of Paradise - David Wolfe

Are We Really Free???

I want you to really think about this question, are you really free do you do and say what you want to, to fully express yourself, to be who you really are? because I don't believe we are totally free, is that a good thing I guess you be the judge for yourself, but please give some serious thought before you answer that. I don't think we are free at all, I think we are only free to the extent our fear threshold will allow us to be and the parameters set for us by another mans ideals; which has brought with it circumstances and consequences that are the root cause for the majority of society's fears. We fear persecution whether it be external or internal i.e., fear of discipline, of violence upon us, fear of failure, fear of death, fear of rejection,fear of hunger, fear of losing our things... so many fears..The majority of the time these fears have been passed down to us based on the experiences of generations before us and before them. Of course we have had our own experiences which have caused us to manifest a few of our own, but that is why it is important to look at these fears and to ask is this rational or irrational why do I have this fear, where does it stem from.We need to look very deep.Once we figure that out the root cause of the fear we can then begin to shed the fear layers and get down to living authentically. If the fear is based on the threat of violence towards us we need to address this as well.
We are a fear based society that has for the most part become a complacent society because of those fears. We have become complacent because of fear and we have been seduced by possessions we have been dangled a carrot at one end with the threat of persecution on the other.We have become so wrapped up in our own existence our own fears our own needs that we don't see what is happening around us, it is time to learn what is happening around you.So then the question becomes are we somewhat guilty by association of the crimes against humanity because we turn a blind eye or turn our head against injustice because of our own fears? are we guilty of continuing the cycle of fear with our own children? I think we need to be more cognizant of this I really do. There are those who are not afraid to be themselves to take a stand for their freedom..I aspire to become like that..What about you?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Violence against Women

"An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure"...this is not only true when dealing with your physical health, but it is profoundly true when dealing with domestic violence. Society has kept silent about this dirty little secret for far to long and I don't know if it is due to the fact that we still live in a male dominated society or because the people who are involved in the violence don't like to hear about this issue; but whatever the reason it needs to stop.
We need to address this issue in schools, children need to know this behavior is not normal or ok, and they need to be provided with resources.They are not going to get this education at home and for the little ones going through this hell they need to hear this is not ok, this is not what life is supposed to be about. Children need to be taught that they are wonderful and deserve to have a wonderful life because they are wonderful..and guess what they will believe it.
We need to address this in the community...we need to be loud about it not afraid to talk about this issue or deal with this issue.
Moms and Dads don't be afraid to question your daughter or son when they come home with bruises..question their current partner no matter what lie you were fed..because 9 times out of 10 you will get a lie...I fell down the stairs, I was hit in the face with a ball or hockey puck..etc..
We need to come together as a global community and support these people who are going through this hell and not judge them.
It is not ok that the government keeps slicing funding to social regarding the issue, safe houses for these poor families, counseling, any kind and every kind of therapy should be available and paid for by the government for the people.
I was a battered women for 13 years. I was beaten almost to death, I was tortured for hours at a time..and all this started when I was 16 years old. I finally realized that I deserve better and my son deserved better..I didn't want him to grow up with out a mom and have to live with this monster and I believe he would have killed me one day had I not left.
I would love nothing more than to work with women and youth in this situation to give them the courage to stand up for themselves and live the life they deserve.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Testiment To The POWER of The MIND

If we look at our own lives we can come up with a thousand stories to validate the ultimate power of will....Well, here is just one of my thousand and believe me I am being modest with that figure.
3 months ago my dad was in a near fatal car accident..believe me a call you do not and are never prepared to receive. I am not exaggerating when I say near fatal and let me describe the accident and the aftermath for you. He was hit on the highway by a 3/4 tonne truck- he was driving a mid size car, after being struck by the truck a tractor trailer unit clipped him from behind..they had to extract him from the car using the jaws of life..and looking at the was unbelievable that he survived.His injuries were severe...13 broken bones, part of his ear torn right off, head injuries, he was in a coma for 16 days...It was very traumatic for my family, everyday we would go up and talk to and night we took turns. Then he woke up...he wasn't with it though and didn't recognize us for a while and he spoke a lot of was hard; But, he improved...and then he said I want to go home..well at this point he couldn't walk, he still didn't make much sense, he was incontinent and totally dependent on assistance for everyday functions...we would say well you have to improve your strength, eat by yourself...well he would get FURIOUS with us...everyday he would say can I go home today...and everyday we would have to tell him the same thing...then he started saying "I AM going home tomorrow" repeat....hello ground hog day...Then he said "I am going home in 2 weeks"..his DR. thought he would never go home...but everyday for the next 2 weeks he just kept saying "HOME" and he got better and better...he even tried to escape one night, which just about set him back as he couldn't walk on his own yet and fell on the floor. Well that didn't deter him though...and forward he went saying "HOME"...jump to 2 weeks....We took my dad home..much to the amazement of all...he was told he was a miracle...I say power of the MIND...This is the strongest man I have ever known...he has a will like no other to be with his family...because a year prior to this accident...we were in the hospital saying our goodbyes to him as he was having an extremely risky operation to remove a cancerous lymph node from a cluster of blood vessels by his heart and the medical staff didn't know if he would make it....obviously he did...
My Sister, ME, My Dad and My cousin

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best Exercise's for Shapely Legs and Butt

Well since I am also a personal trainer and have been for many years I thought it only fair to share my knowledge of what really works with YOU.
The absolute best exercise without question for building shapely legs and Glutes is the remember before you go ugh!! the amazing benefits to your body. There are so many variations you can do with the lunge so you are always progressing and you won't get bored....
Stationary lunge with or without weights......walking lunge(my favorite), lunge on bosu, lunge with exercise ball behind your back.I recommend doing 3-4 sets of 12 reps 2 times per week - on alternating days as the muscles must be left to rest in order to repair.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Superfoods....I can not say enough about eating alive, clean food....YOU really MUST try it...Trust ME, YOU will never FEEL BETTER. OK so here is a list of some of my favorite Superfoods and a brief summary of their BENEFITS...
Gogi Berries: these little treats pack more vitamin C than oranges and more beta carotene than carrots- super antioxidant you know what that means....Cancer fighter!!
Quinoa: A delicious grain packed full of vitamin, minerals and, contains more protein than most cereal grains (22 grams per one cup/250 millilitres uncooked quinoa) and is considered a complete protein because it contains all eight of the essential amino acids we need for tissue development.
Quinoa is higher in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc, and lower in sodium compared with wheat, barley and corn.
Durian(MY FAVORITE-But you must get past the smell): Loaded with energy, vitamins and minerals. In Asian culture the Durian is know as the king of fruits- the mangostene is the queen(I haven't tasted this yet)
Avocado: Improve your immune system health as not only is it one of the richest source of fiber among all fruits and vegetables. Packed with vitamins A, several B-complex, especially B3 (folic acid), powerful anti-oxidants like vitamins C and E, calcium, iron, potassium, etc.
Raw Chocolate(Cacao): Feel blissful,Look younger, Love more,fight disease, improve immune system. Substitute your coffee with some raw chocolate- you can order online- try Sunfoods- and make sure it is organic- You will have the best day ever after eating some of this.
There are so many the research it is worth it. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just have to say  I am excited about my life and what is happening and what is going to happen. Why??? because being excited about what each day will bring is a better choice than being afraid of what each day will bring and  I am totally committed  to trusting my intuition and believing in myself...I have had tragedies in my life and who hasn't but I have always picked myself up and moved on, but up until recently when I realized that subconsciously there has been some self doubt and so I hadn't fully believed in who I really am- I came to this realization as I floated around on the beautiful waters of lake okanagan..that is when I had my AHA moment...I always wanted to say that and what a perfect setting. I have to much to accomplish to let past experience define my life today. I have so many great things in my life to be thankful for and a big one is my son Jade...he is magnificent...he is an 18 year old budding fashion designer...HE HAS BEEN DESIGNING CLOTHES SINCE HE WAS 5 YEARS OLD...NICE CLOTHES..HE IS SUCH A VISIONARY IN FASHION. He is a testament to the saying "we were born to be" my goal is to help him accomplish his goal of going to New York to pursue a career in design...and what better way to do that than to be a manifestation role model. Like all moms I am just so proud and my son for always being him and sticking to who he is matter what..

Reprogram your Subconscious to live the Abundant Life YOU Deserve

"What you think about you bring about" such a profoundly true statement..just as profound as "You are what you eat"-but that is for another post. Thoughts are energy creating your life..think about it, think about your life and your beliefs and you will see you have created the life you currently have..and sometimes without even knowing it..thanks to your subconscious trying to stick to your old programming and thought patterns.
Most of your beliefs and thoughts about yourself were created in childhood due to the fact that children are little sponges soaking up not only what is said directly to them and about them, but the beliefs the significant people our life's held. So if you think negatively about yourself and so far do not have the life you really desire and are not the person you want to be it is not your fault...but there is no need to drudge up sad stories of your past or hold grudges..remember this is a cycle that keeps repeating...but it doesn't need to keep repeating and it is not to late to change your life..all you have to do is change your mind.
YOU are the creator of your life so create the life you really want be the person you know you are meant to be...others do it and they are no more special than you..we are all energy beings equally capable of doing great things.
 Here is how to create your best life ever by reprogramming your subconscious and consistency is key because your subconscious will try to revert back to old programming so always be aware of your thoughts and feelings, catch it in the act..ok here we go..positive affirmations every day morning and night during the day if you need to...Actually what I really recommend is a mind power bootcamp so to speak- this is when you go away for a couple days..leaving your issues behind and meditate on who you are..
The key to meditation and affirmations is to feel...feel the freedom abundance would bring, feel the joy love brings..ok now hold onto the feeling all day. Here are some of my personal affirmations:
I am grateful for the abundant life I am blessed with
I am grateful for the love that constantly surrounds me
I am grateful my immune system is strong and I am healthy in body, mind and spirit
I am connected to the abundance of the universe
I am grateful for the freedom wealth has provided me
I love and accept myself unconditionally
I am not afraid to ask for what I want because I deserve to have a wonderful life
After the affirmations are spoken..meditate on the feeling of freedom or love that has been long as you this morning and night for a month and you will be presented with opportunities in keeping with your new way of thinking...enjoy it because you deserve it. It is our right to be live your bliss.
One very interesting form of manifestation that I have personally used is is wonderful.
Oh YEAH...And every morning wake up and say "This is going to be the best day ever" and feel the joy..carry it with you all day and be aware of even the small things that happen....


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Live Artfully

When people say "I am not an artist", my response to that is Yes YOU are, you are living art.Everyday you are creating your life . Lets not put art in a box and as Andy Warhol once said "art is what you can get away with" so get excited about your life, think of yourself as an artist and your life is your canvas, use lots of colors, styles and designs and create the most magnificent piece of art that is your life.

Monday, August 9, 2010

You Are A Goddess Not A Slave

I think I am so passionate about helping and guiding women to their true selves- especially those who suffer self esteem issues, those women who have been abused mentally and/or physically and have accepted what others have said to them as truth and feel so defeated, because I was one of those women. But now that I have awakened and realized the truth about who I really am I just want other women to feel as good about themselves as I do. I know how badly they feel and I know how good I feel...I am You and You are me. It is a process and it takes effort but the pay off is so worth it, and really what else should you be doing with your time then bettering yourself; which will allow you to better serve mankind. Tell yourself everyday you are beautiful, you are important, you are love, you accept yourself, you are joy...Every day all day because you are worth it, your life is worth it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Healing Meditation: RELEASE YOUR FEARS by Lilou Mace

Create the Life You Want

I think one thing we all know for sure is that we become our thoughts..we know this it isn't a secret.The problem I think for some is that no matter who we want to be or what we really want, we don't consistently follow the necessary steps to reach our goals...the old saying "practice makes perfect" does not only pertain to sports it is the key to a successful life. We go through spurts where we feel fabulous, we start writing down our goals, meditating, exercising, filling our minds with positive thoughts..moving forward..and then BANG something happens to slow down our momentum and pretty soon we come to a complete halt and like anything that requires consistency and effort it becomes difficult to get the ball rolling again..but by not getting the ball rolling, the ball does not get rolling and we lose all that we gained when we were feeling fabulous. Well here is what my experience has taught me. When that ball is rolling and you are on a high, be aware of what is happening..always be aware, aware of the people coming into your life, aware of the life that is going on around you..that way you will not miss the opportunities that present themselves to you everyday. But lets take the first steps and get you to the positive energy zone where positive opportunities present themselves.

1. Meditation: You need to deprogram and reprogram your mind with 10 minutes of meditation every morning and evening. You will notice a positive change with this one immediately. Meditate on the person you see yourself as being, feel how that feels inside and mediate from there...Meditate like you are already the person you want to be. There are some great meditation videos online if you need guided.
2. Nutrition: You Are What you eat, so eat fresh, clean,nutrient dense, alive food..superfoods. Trust me you will never feel better and I speak from experience I have never felt more aware, energized and alive.
3. Exercise:All your tissues and organs require oxygen and exercise trains your body to use it very efficiently; hence, you feel great! We need a strong body to get us through this life and the only way to get it is to exercise.Being a personal trainer I have seen many of my clients go from drab to fab in no time..So Can You!
4. Journal, Journal, Journal...write it down make a conscious effort to write your goals down every day if you have to, that way they won't get lost in the Chaos that is life. Write down your thoughts work out your issues, write down your dreams..plenty of mine have actually materialized.
Stay consistent, stay happy and live your best life

Friday, August 6, 2010

YOU ARE.....What YOU Eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The old saying "You are what You eat" is so profoundly true...and with all profound statements it requires you to look at the real deep meaning of the statement...what are you ingesting and consequently what is it doing to you. For example; if you eat live, clean, nutritionally dense food, you feel alive, aware, energized, clean and healthy. If you eat sugary, fattening, empty, toxic food you feel lethargic, toxic and generally unwell. Humans were not created to be unhealthy. Our natural state is meant to be healthy- physically and mentally. So what has happened? what has happened is the food we eat has been so over processed and filled with salt, fat, sugar, and toxic additives and preservatives - harmful chemicals that it is poisoning society- WE LIVE IN A VERY SICK SOCIETY!! Obesity has become and epidemic, cancers, depression, fatigue, digestive problems, food allergies..and the list goes on and on. It should actually be illegal for certain fast food restaurants to sell what they do, and certain foods to be sold period; but, that goes hand in hand with the sale of tobacco and alcohol....TO MANY PEOPLE ARE MAKING MONEY OFF OF YOU BEING SICK..SAD BUT VERY TRUE.
It is time for YOU to take back your health and therefore your life! So EAT ALIVE TO FEEL ALIVE...I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE WHEN I SAY YOU WILL NEVER FEEL BETTER!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

it's all perception anyway

Your truth may not be my truth and for as much as you believe what you believe I believe what I believe so we can have a wonderful conversation about our beliefs, or our interpretations of data..but that is all we can do because it is all perception...there is no right or wrong...there are exceptions of course but those are few

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Silly Girl

Silly girls you are not a "bitch" because you are not afraid of who you or the great power that resides inside of you..that is just something people say to keep you don't be afraid of your magnificence..Can you imagine if the world were full of people who weren't afraid to be who they were meant to be..and that is exactly what alot of men are afraid they decided those who did would be called a "bitch"..and what self respecting, dutiful wife or girlfriend, or  pleaser wants to be called a  bitch hmm...time for change long as your intentions are not meant to hurt or ego based...BE Magnificent, it is ok..