Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Face Your Fears

I suppose I am not only writing this for someone Else's benefit but for my own as well right now...to blog is to journal...to journal is to heal....We must face our fears, face them head on don't let them over power us because on the other side of that great wall of fear is our best life ever. We must recognize that feeling in our gut as fear rearing its ugly head in an attempt to keep us in our comfort zone or in that place we have been taught through conditioning that we belong.When this happens and we recognize it we must be strong enough to face it rationally and break through it...this is what I have to do now. I have been doing alot of this lately..and the key is I have been doing it!the reason is because I am so aware of the fact that I am creating my life everyday with every thought so I do not want to create a life where the major influence is fear..I have so much more then just my life riding on where my thoughts lead me...and my ability to face this one particular fear and I will and I will conquer it! I believe in who I am and what I want and I shall manifest the most beautiful life for not only me but my son as well. I will show him what it means to move forward with out fear so he will do the same...move forward in love and fearlessness to create the life one dreams about

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