Friday, September 24, 2010

Must Read...........................

Activate Your Power...aka My Bible. I have been packing this book around with me since I received it from the man himself 6 years ago. It is a wonderful book on how to achieve your best, most abundant life. Eitan references his own circumstances as well as quantum physics and psychological behavior to illustrate why we are where we are...and how to change our behaviors to reach our ultimate potential. I like that he did not just tell you this is why you are the way you are...he breaks it down into steps and provides exercises you can do to change it...My life changed after reading this a must read for sure.

I LOOOOOVE THIS BOOK...Wonderfully Inspiring book for women. The Author is obviously a very wise and brilliant women herself who through the years has broken through the imposed barriers placed upon women via this masculine dominated society and now brings us her knowledge and teaches women to be true to the WILD women that is our authentic self. She breaks down folk and fairy tale to expose the meaning as parables of the lives of women....Brilliant...

                Fantastic book...don't let the content of the book scare is an easy
                read and the author breaks it down using everyday comparisons..i.e...
                "how are a sumo wrestler and a teacher the same"..haha it is great, but
                eye opening and very thought provoking. I loved it, there may be some
                content or comparissons that you won't agree with, but it will make you
                think about what is going on in the world and Let me tell you if it is one
                thing this world needs it is a big eye opener...this book gives us
                just that.

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