Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fight Aging Naturally Part 1.

We all want healthy, youthful, glowing skin..and it is achievable at any age..and you don't have to spend a fortune on expensive treatments and unhealthy can do it using what nature has provided us and what science has taught us.The major thing we need to do in order to have beautiful skin is eat clean, nutrient dense foods;but, due to the fact that we are also exposed to environmental conditions we need to take care of our skin from the outside as well...I am going to start adding recipes for skin care as well as some regimes we should all follow. I am going to start with one of my favorite things to do and that is a skin sauna..

boil a pot of water and pour into a bowl
add essential oils or fresh lemon depening on your skin type ie:
NORMAL : Mandarin and Lavender.
OILY : Lemon and Eucalyptus.
DRY : Rose and Camomile.
Place your face above the bowl- not so close you burn your face, but just so you feel the steam all over your face, take a towel and put it over your head so the steam does not escape.
2-3 min should suffice
Next pat dry your face and while the pours are open it would be a good idea to apply a mud mask to draw out any further impurities. You can either make one or purchase a good organic one from the store but by making your own product you know what is in it so a good mud mask

*tablspoon of green clay(purchase at health food store)
*sea kelp
*5 drops of tea tree oil
*2 tblsp of aloe vera gel
*tsp of oat flour
combine ingredients and spread evenly over face, avoiding eye and lip area. leave on for 10 min and rinse off.
pat dry and continue with a toner and be continued

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