Sunday, September 12, 2010

Circuit Training

Circuit training is GREAT...Perfect for those of you who are on a tight can get your cardio and strength training all done in a shorter period of time and burn alot of calories while you are doing it...There are many ways of doing a circuit and gyms will have them set up somewhere;however, I love setting up my own circuit alternating strength and cardio so here is what I do and it works fabulous:
I always start with a 10 min. warm up
For strength training aspect always start with your legs
So here is what a sample circuit would look like
Lunge: 10 reps
bike 1 min fast
Push up using physio ball 10 reps
bike 1 min high resistance
Row- back
Bike fast
Leg curls with physio ball
Bike high resistance
Abs-bicycles 15

Repeat this circuit 3 times, stretch at the end....and if you have time 20 min of cardio or up your time on the bike to 2 min....

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