Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year.....New YOU?????

So here we are again..the start of a new year and with that means New Years Resolution... Year after year so many make the same get healthy..if only they could be as committed to the actual process as they are to consistently setting the resolution. Oh Well it is what it is and for some it sticks.
I am not being insensitive and I know it is not easy, especially when being healthy has not been a lifestyle up until now. The important thing to ask yourself is "What do I want"? ask it every time you grab for something you know you shouldn't have, ask yourself that every time you try and talk yourself out of exercising.
Change your mind about exercise and health...educate yourself on the importance of being healthy and the consequences of being unhealthy. Enjoy how you feel during and after you have done something, enjoy how you feel when you eat something clean and healthy.
Hire someone to help you...think about the money you will be saving in the long run on various aids and medications, not to mention the savings from not eating out, and buying so much junk food...YOU are worth it!

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