Friday, August 6, 2010

YOU ARE.....What YOU Eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The old saying "You are what You eat" is so profoundly true...and with all profound statements it requires you to look at the real deep meaning of the statement...what are you ingesting and consequently what is it doing to you. For example; if you eat live, clean, nutritionally dense food, you feel alive, aware, energized, clean and healthy. If you eat sugary, fattening, empty, toxic food you feel lethargic, toxic and generally unwell. Humans were not created to be unhealthy. Our natural state is meant to be healthy- physically and mentally. So what has happened? what has happened is the food we eat has been so over processed and filled with salt, fat, sugar, and toxic additives and preservatives - harmful chemicals that it is poisoning society- WE LIVE IN A VERY SICK SOCIETY!! Obesity has become and epidemic, cancers, depression, fatigue, digestive problems, food allergies..and the list goes on and on. It should actually be illegal for certain fast food restaurants to sell what they do, and certain foods to be sold period; but, that goes hand in hand with the sale of tobacco and alcohol....TO MANY PEOPLE ARE MAKING MONEY OFF OF YOU BEING SICK..SAD BUT VERY TRUE.
It is time for YOU to take back your health and therefore your life! So EAT ALIVE TO FEEL ALIVE...I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE WHEN I SAY YOU WILL NEVER FEEL BETTER!

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