Sunday, May 1, 2011


 Before                                                                                                       After

It has been beat into us that we "can not spot reduce, your fat will come off where it comes off" blah, blah, blah.. oh how frustrating for people to hear that..I know because being a personal trainer for 20 years I was often the messenger getting shot for saying it,but it WAS the truth that is until recently  and thanks again to the miracle of  science and the fact that we are not one solid mass- which people need to remember- we are a bunch of vibrating cells- very important to note when trying to understand why and how things work. Anyway thanks to science this is no longer the case- and no I am not talking about the overly invasive, painful procedure known as LIPOSUCTION..EEEKK!!!, even the thought of that sends shivers up my spine and makes my bank card literally jump out of my wallet and hide...No I am talking about a relatively new and totally safe, non invasive procedure that DOES CONTOUR YOUR BODY WHERE YOU WANT IT TO...YAY!!! No more ridge at the bottom of my butt..IT IS AWESOME. I know because I had to try this for myself and I LOST 3 INCHES IN 1 TREATMENT..TRUE STORY FOLKS(that is why I had to blog about it)...Now I am not one of those people who thinks looks are everything because I know they are not; however I do enjoy looking as fabulous as I feel so if I see something on the outside that is not a reflection of how I feel inside..I fix it and this is how I fix my little ridge at the bottom of my butt, and the little bread doe that since I hit...well in my 30's seems to have risen over my pants...but not now.Let me introduce to you.......LIPOLASER!!!!!  a completely non invasive, painless, totally effective, and way less expensive then liposuction treatments way to SPOT REDUCE. So what on earth are lipolser treatments you ask???...well allow me to explain how it works and I am not going to get to hung up on the scientific terminology I am going to explain it so you can say "oh yeah that makes sense, find me a laser clinic"...but please note,there are quite a few clinics out there but they are not all the same you need to find a clinic that has the latest laser technology and a laser that touches your skin as well as owners and staff who truly care about helping you reach your goals..that means that the staff are knowledgeable about health and wellness and can guide you holistically not just stick a laser to your butt and measure you and smile pretty NO NO NO because adding the laser to a good healthy diet and exercise plan is will set you apart from the rest and give you that extra edge and the closest thing to the "magic pill" everyone is searching for and a good clinic knows this and the staff will inform you of the same..So...
How It Works:
LIPOLASER paddles containing laser diodes that emit  waves of light (650nm) designed to target fat cells are placed on the client’s skin for five 10 minutes intervals per treatment area.  Laser energy safely and painlessly penetrates several millimeters into the layer of fat under the skin.

The fat cell walls are made permeable for a short period allowing cell contents to spill out into the space around the cells.  The fat (in the form of triglycerides) is broken down  into free fatty acids (FFA’s) water and glycerol.

The FFA’s are used up by the body as energy, while water is used or excreted and glycerol is processed through natural metabolic functions.  Fat cells are significantly reduced in size resulting in substantial body contour improvements.

During a standard treatment cycle, the body can easily process the amount of fat that is released.    
  Fat cells at rest are full of water glycerol and free fatty acids Laser energy from LIPOLASER starts the process of allowing fat cells to drain Pores have formed on fat cells allowing the  release of contents
Water, Glycerol and Free Fatty Acids pour into the space around the cells More Water (blue), Free Fatty Acids (green) and Glycerol (purple) spill out Fat cells significantly reduced in size while the blood vessel stays unaffected 
Low level lasers have been used successfully in private practise for over 30 years and in numerous studies worldwide. To date, there are no known reports of anyone being harmed by a low level laser which is extremely safe when used correctly.
Clinical testing completed in the United States and overseas has shown the LIPOLASER maintained an excellent level of safety throughout multiple treatments on a wide range of patients.
The LIPOLASER is approved by Health Canada and the FDA

***It is important to exercise after the laser treatments as there are about 400 cal that need to be burned, if you go to a good clinic they will advise you on the proper protocol post treatment.

The above information on how the laser works was taken from the NU AGE Lipolaser Clinics Website(address posted below) in Vancouver,BC which uses the most advanced laser system and the staff and management are amazing and very knowledgeable
NU AGE LIPOLASER+ 604.801.LIPO (5476)

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