Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Look for the Lesson so Your Time wasn't a Total waste

It has been said that the people who come into our lives and the situations we encounter happen to teach us something. I do believe we can learn something from people and I have certainly been tested on several occasions; however, I am not a believer in that this whole thing is already planned out and I would have to believe that if I believed people were brought to us for a reason. No I believe we are the co creators of our existence and because there are so many of us we run into the creation of others as well for which at that time we are tested. Which was the case for me yesterday when I encountered the most opinionated, demanding, narrow minded, and who really could be summed up as "princess" I have ever met in my life. I have to say that was one of the most challenging hours I have had the misfortune of having to participate in and an hour of my time I can't get back so I must look at the lesson and the test of patience that I was put through in order to ensure it wasn't a total waste. It really was a test in patience and understanding.
A quote from this lovely lady and part of the  conversation of yesterday "oh I hate hippies, there all like so green...blah". and she further went on to call people idiots who voted NDP and then how certain holistic measures were all placebo..Oh My God. But here is what I thought as she spewed...."This is one of the most negative, unhappy people I have ever met, and I feel sorry for her". I did say to her that "you can not debate politics, religion or really anything because the whole of our existence and what we believe is based on our own personal experience and our interpretations of data"...she said "no that is wrong" ...
So I will take the lesson from the hour...or more the test..because at one time in my life I may have argued with her about the merrits of social justice, and holistic medicine and this toxic society but considering she is over hear head toxic it would have been mute.
When encountering these kind of people remember it is they who are unhappy not what you feel and what you believe but do not argue as you won't win and what is winning anyway...and do not wear their energy and negativity as it has nothing to do with compassion because those are the ones who need it most, and be thankful when your time in their company is over ;)

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