Monday, March 28, 2011

What is Success???

I don't really appreciate the fact that every time someone speaks of a successful person or the media portrays a successful person it is always spoken in terms of how much wealth they have acquired or their position in life as compared to someone else. I don't like this because it is not a man or woman's wealth and standing that decide their self worth, and it creates a huge pressure amongst people to be something they don't want or to feel bad about things they may not be or have.This societal definition is being passed on from generation to generation, instead of parents saying "success is being happy and content with your life and yourself" (which would cause a growth spurt of successful people) they are saying "Your not going to be successful unless you have a certain career, house, family etc" this is creating the opposite effect in society. This is why society is in the state it is in because we have placed our self worth on people are always looking outside of themselves for worth when they should be looking inside and living from there..society would be so much more successful and functional.
In order to live from your authentic self you must determine what success means to YOU..write it down and then achieve it. There is no right or wrong here there is only You and Your dreams so don't let the expectations of another stand in the way of your happiness...Be content and happy with who you are and always come from a place of self love.

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