Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Quest...

The quest...we're all on it and yet how we get there is all relative. So what is this quest I speak of, well the quest for inner peace and happiness. No matter what a person is doing be it career wise or personal their motive is always because they want to feel satisfied, happy or it gives them a sense of peace inside. Whether others agree with the means of achieving is always a discussion and sometimes a source of discontent amongst many. Can we really find calm in the chaos? I think so we just have to live independent of the judgment of others and as long as you are coming from a place of love for humanity and the earth their judgments are of no consequence to you so be free..and you will achieve what you are looking for; which is inside of you already. The quest for some is so difficult because they are seeking outside of themselves always and as long as you do this your quest will never end.

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