There comes a time when we must accept the fact that in order to move forward and obtain inner peace and contentment we must stop fighting and surrender. When I say surrender I don't mean give up...NO! I mean we must surrender to the universe and trust that all we have to do is think and feel it and the universe will provide it, instead of thinking of what we want and beating ourselves up and getting stressed out because we don't have ]it and don't know how to obtain it..Instead just let go and trust the universe will provide you with all you need to feel content and joyous. I know it is hard to surrender I still struggle with it and there are times I worry but it is when I start worrying that I get what I need to continue to worry so the following is an excerpt from my book and a mantra that I like to say and it really calms me down and puts me back on track...and in trust:
"I am responsible for everything in cooperation with the universe,,it has been my choice to either surrender or hang on and this has taken me to where I am today. I take full responsibility for myself and my life as it is at this moment.
I am now surrendering my negative thoughts and feelings and worries about life and myself and what will or won't happen, I must get excited about my life and trust that the universe will provide me with everything I need to maintain how I choose to feel and think in this moment and I am grateful for all my blessings.
After saying this take a deep breath, relax feel content in knowing the universe is with you and not against you... meditate on this feeling for as long as you can.
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